Learn And Grow 

The most valuable lessons are often taught by failure.

It’s what you do with the lesson that is the important part.

Here in this blog I share my failures, my successes and my heart.

Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Learning Traditional Skills

Traditional skills are on the rise as we realize the so called foods on the shelve aren’t helping our health. Here are some resources that have helped me on my homesteading journey - I hope they help you too!

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Learn Now, Before It’s to Late

The dreaded … “Mom! I don’t feel good” Every parents heart sinks at these words. I knew what I needed to do, but did I have the courage? The strength? The knowledge? …read on to find out…

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Raising Adults

I thought giving my children a life of ease would grow them into wonderful adults. I was wrong. It turns out having things handed to us doesn’t teach us much. Read on to hear my journey of realization and be inspired to make changes in your own lives.

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Stepping Out Of Survival Mode

Life often leads us in a direction not of our choosing. The road twists and turns and leads us in the lowest valleys and the highest mountains… sometimes into places like survival mode…..

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

He Gives & Takes Away

It was then her words flashed into my mind and it was if she was standing in the room with me. “The Lord Gives & The Lord Takes Away”….

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Homesteading Single: My New Life

Did your life plan blow up in your face like mine did?? Are you wondering how on earth you are going to homestead all on your own?? Keep reading to find out how you really can do it!!

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe


I forgot to lift my head up and there in the weeds I lost the parts of me I actually liked… keep reading to find the path through the weeds.

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

We Need Eachother

Daryl Ann Kyle was a remarkable woman who lived her life in constant connection with others. She offered all she had freely to people who needed it more that she did saying we need each other, good buddy….

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