Learn And Grow 

The most valuable lessons are often taught by failure.

It’s what you do with the lesson that is the important part.

Here in this blog I share my failures, my successes and my heart.

Esther Munroe Esther Munroe


I accepted where I was at in life. I finally realized I didn’t have to take responsibility for someone else’s actions…. click to read the full story…

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Building A Brand And The Story Behind It

It is in the quiet of the evening as the sun dips behind the mountains that I let my mind wander. Images fill my head that few could comprehend… but occasionally there is an idea that is allowed to be birthed into reality and that is just what Esthers Eden is…

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe


Are you looking for a delicious non caffeinated replacement for your daily cup of caffeinated tea??? I found just the thing!

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Doing The Unexpected

Sometimes we have to just go for it. Do the unexpected! Do the thing no one else believes we can do…. read more to hear a story of the unexpected and how it can inspire you today!

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Herbs for Cold and Flu

Oh no! A cold strikes. What do you do?? I share with you my amazing herbal routine for strengthening my families immune systems and fighting off the bugs.

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Here Pig! Pig! PIG!

Where has the bacon gone?! The pigs are out and I’m running down the road after them screaming pig! pig! pig! … An adventure on the farm.

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Esther Munroe Esther Munroe

Food Forest

What is a Food Forest and should you add one to your garden? Read on to find out!

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