Apron Strings
Most households used to have a woman in an apron. She was cooking, cleaning, caring for family members and busying herself with the task of keeping their home in good working order.
As more and more people return to the homesteading way of life there are more and more women picking up the nearly forgotten apron.
Perhaps you are one of them?
From my own apron strings I share my failures, my successes and my heart. I share these things in hopes to inspire you on your own journey.
Herbs For Cold & Flu Season
STOP passing around all the sick bugs and try out these herbs for cold and flu season! I’m giving away all the information that’s usually in my Cold and Flu Class for FREE in this blog! Let’s get kick this junk to the curb!
How to Boost Your Chicken’s Egg Production In Winter
So you have a bunch of freeloading chickens on your hands do you? I’ve been there! Here’s what I've learned to help boost egg production in the winter months for very little cost or no cost!
Seeds To Start In January If Your Frost Date Is After May 15th
It can be so tricky to figure out when to start your seeds! Don’t stress! I got you my friend! Follow along with me and I will show you how and when to start your seeds this growing season!
Wait! What’s In Your Toothpaste?
Are you having problems with your teeth getting cavities, gums bleeding or worse? The ingredients in your toothpaste could be the reason why! Check out this blog to find out as well as learn to make an easy alternative that helps you revitalize your mouth!
Do More Than Just “Get Through” Parenting
Do you feel you are failing as a parent? Is the daily grind getting to you and you just feel beat down and overwhelmed? I’ve been there and so have so many others. This post is for YOU and can help you make a difference in your home TODAY! Start enjoying parenting and stop plugging away.
The Shop Reveal: Building Destiny
You donated, prayed and followed this project for over a year and it is finally time to show you the results! What a journey this has been.
The Best Oatmeal Lotion For Dry Hands!
Every fall when the cool weather sets in my kids’ hands turn into lizard hands… sometimes as winter progresses they get so bad they bleed. As an herbalist mama I was determined to find a solution… This is the absolute best lotion recipe ever!
Shame Based Parenting VS Parenting Through Empowerment
“Shame on you” I can remember my grandparents saying this phrase often…Shame leaves us feeling like we were created in error. We are somehow deeply flawed and worthless. Today, you can learn the difference in shame based parenting and parenting through empowerment. Parenting through empowering your children draws them closer to you.
5 Steps To Becoming More Naturally Minded
The mind is a powerful tool. It can help us or hinder us. Here are 5 steps on how to teach your brain to be more naturally minded.... pssst you can actually use the steps to accomplish many goals.
Make More Home Cooked Meals By Making A Plan
Planning meals doesn't start where you think it does if you are on your journey to real food freedom. Find out how to plan and eat seasonally to save money and time.