Learn Now, Before It’s to Late

Let me start off this post by saying I am not a doctor. I do not claim to be not here, not on social media nor in person. The following is my experience and testimony only and not meant to treat, cure or diagnose disease. Please seek professional medical attention if you need it.

Onward we go.

I sit here on this Sunday afternoon listening to the rain pound on the metal roof of my log cabin in the woods. Beside me sits yet another amber colored glass of raspberry leaf tea laced with echinacea and half a dozen other herbs. The tv is on in the living room below me - normally a rare occurrence in this house. I am exhausted. Totally and completely exhausted. Sleep has evaded me for four days now…. it’s been a long week to say the least.

It all started about four days ago when one of my children began to complain that her arm hurt. I assumed it was from one of her extracurricular activities - a busy young girl she is. I wasn’t surprised… It was odd that it hurt under her armpit but kids complain of aches and pains all the time. (Do you remember doing that as a kid? I sure don’t) Anyway looking back I can see now that was actually the first sign of something more that was taking place in the realm unseen by the naked eye. Before I knew it another of my children was saying that their head was hurting. I asked a few questions. He ran off and said actually I’m fine and we carried on with our day.

A couple hours later and both children were saying they felt tired and that their heads were hurting worse than before. I looked at them and their rosy red little cheeks were telling me fever! We’d been exposed to several sicknesses over the previous week. I should have given them more immune boosting herbs that I did, but we eat pretty healthy and their immune systems are strong. Hind sight is 20/20. I felt their heads and instantly knew they indeed had fevers. I decided to take the opportunity to give them some extra screen time and encourage these usually very active kids to rest. As the evening progressed so did their headaches. My children do not normally get headaches or fevers even with colds and flues but we’d been exposed to some particularly nasty things so I just went with it. It was clear the screens were not helping their heads so I tucked everyone into their cozy beds, sang their songs, prayed their prayers with them and shut the lights out.

I laid in my bed. My body tired, but not my brain. Nope it was busy going over the events at 90 miles an hour.

Morning came and brought with it the knowledge that it was not going to be a very busy day for the two invalids. Fevers, chills, headaches I kept them tucked in and well hydrated. Of course food was not on their list of desires - Who wants to eat when feeling so awful? I know I sure don’t. They were thrilled to find out that they could just chill out in their pjs for the day and watch movies. Morning turned into afternoon.

My mom and I had been busy trying to fix a leak in the fridge which turned out to have been more of the same flood that occurred a few days prior when the dishwasher broke. The entire kitchen was torn apart so we could clean properly. *Word to the wise think twice before buying a long cabin in the woods … mice will forever be a battle for you. You’ve been warned. I was busy checking in on the sick kids, assisting the propane delivery man, and cleaning. Did I mention it’s been one of those weeks?

A quick check on the kids again just before making lunch. Wait! There are spots on his face?! Oh no!!! I knew exactly what it was the instant I saw. I ran and got a flashlight. peeked in both kids mouths. ugh. Strep. We have NEVER had strep before. But I am well acquainted with the symptoms. I’ve known many families who’ve battled this beast before…. and one of the things we knew we were exposed to was indeed strep. The only reason I knew was because it was mentioned to me that this particular strain was nasty and was accompanied by a rash on the face. Bingo.

Everyone knows you take your kid to the doctor right away. You get antibiotics and are better within 24 hours. right?

In my head alarm bells were going off. My mom who was there with me had been a nurse for many years, was just waiting for the plan. My initial reaction was panic - Strep is no joke. It is highly contagious bacteria. And it is just no fun for anyone who has it. I started pacing in the kitchen. Tunnel vision. And then I STOPPED.

What was I doing?


Front to back: Red clover, chamomile, california poppy

Think like and herbalist for goodness sake! I teach people about herbs. I talk about the incredible healing properties herbs posses. I have used them in my family for over a decade. What kind of an herbalist am I if I don’t at least look into it? So I went to my herbal cupboard plugged in the light and illuminated the tiny area. There my herbs were all siting in their jars just waiting to be called upon. I fingered through the books all lined up on the shelf. Books that I’ve consulted dozens of times. I picked up one after another and was surprised there was no mention of strep. I looked for the book I knew I needed and then remembered I’d lent it out. I sent a quick text hoping to get the information soon. No luck.

Online I went to the trusted archives of the late Dr. Christopher. Thousands of testimonies all located in one place. OH Yes! I remember now! I know exactly what herbs to try. I went to my sick children. I told them their bodies were sick (of course they already knew this) and that it was their choice how we proceeded. Especially since I knew the herbal remedies I intended for them to take were not pleasing to the taste buds. I gave them 3 options. #1 We go to the doctor and get the antibiotics and they will likely be better in a couple of days - at the expense of their gut bugs (we’ve had many conversations about gut health in this family) #2 We do nothing. Keep a close eye on things. Let the bug take it course and potentially have some other nasty things come up. #3 We use herbs and see what happens and if things get worse than we want to see we go to the doctor anyway. This mamas heart was thrilled that immediately chose herbs. I silently celebrated.

Raspberry at Esthers Eden 2022

Off I went to the herb cupboard. I pulled out the “anti plague” remedy (Dr. Christopher’s invention), my raspberry leaf tea blend, as well as four thieves vinegar (linked is a similar recipe to the one I used), elderberry syrup and tea tree essential oil. The anti plague was for the ill. Every couple hours they got a little bit. Mommy took it with them since it tastes awful. The vinegar everyone in the house took as a preventative as well as the elderberry syrup. The tea tree oil was to keep us from spreading the bacteria person to person. Hand washing and oil were used frequently. The tea blend was used for general nutrition. Raspberry, stinging nettle and alfalfa are a few of the herbs in the blend. This is better than water and acts a little like gator aid without the sugar and dye. I’m a big fan. Our family ditched the “electrolyte” drinks years ago and have not looked back.

I noticed improvement in the kids by the next morning. However the rash on one of their faces was not getting better in fact he now had a different rash on more of his body. Knowing my own skin history and that of my family I was pretty sure it was just a heat rash from the fever. One kids fever was already gone. The one with the rash still had a little bit of a fever but was not nearly as tired and the headaches in both kids were completely gone. As expected the morning hours were the best. As the day progressed they slipped back into not feeling super awesome. We all continued with the herbs through out the day… we did not stop. We eliminated sugar and chose to eat nutritious foods.

By the third morning sprits were high. One child was almost completely better. The other still looked like a train wreck but was feeling great in his words. They actually got out of their blanket nests and played! By the end of the day however the rash on the one child had spread to his hands. The rash that was previously on his stomach and back was completely gone. His hands were swollen and itchy and I started getting worried…. This part is why I am writing this to you all. This is critical!

I went back to the books and ruled out rheumatic fever after checking him for symptoms. I would have taken him to the doctors immediately if I suspected it. I called and sent texts out to my immediate family who are in the medical field. Nurses and a doctor. I sent the updated details (they’d been aware and helping me all through this ordeal.) … turns out it was likely invasive Strep A. the same one that causes scarlet fever & impetigo. How do we know without testing? Well the person we were exposed to earlier in the week had a positive test for that very thing. We were likely dealing with one of those two things on top of the strep throat.

The great thing about having people in your circle who do not believe what you believe or practice what you practice is that they can give you advice (if you let them) that you wouldn’t give yourself. It can be an excellent checks and balance system if done well. I made a plan. If he was not significantly better by morning off to the doctor we’d go. He was not in pain or itchy. He didn’t have a fever or headache or lethargy. He was eating and drinking. All good things. The bad thing about not having people in your circle who believe what you believe is that you have no real back up. You're on your own so to speak. NOT easy.

This is the part of being a single parent that is the absolute hardest. I tucked the kids into bed. One not sick. One almost 100% better and one that was still not well. I climbed into my own bed exhausted from the week, lack of sleep and a mind that was going over and over the details. In that moment all I wanted was a hug and someone who truly understood what I was doing. To be told I was a good mom who cared about my kids. - But the truth is I didn’t need anyone to tell me that. I know I’m a good mom. I know I love them and care for them better than anyone in this whole world. Because God gave them to me. I sure could’ve used that hug though.

I didn’t sleep much. But must have drifted off at some point because I was woken up by the chipper little voice of my son. Hi mom! I’m all better! Can I make your tea for you? I sat straight up as he gave me a huge hug around the neck. I sighed a sigh of relief. He in fact was much better. As the day progressed his rash did continue to break out over his whole body. Confirming what we suspected the night before. I found some other herbs that were supposed to help relieve the now itchy body he had.

Chamomile, ginger and tea to drink and a bath with powdered oats, apple cider vinegar, honey and epsom salts all to relieve the itchiness. ( I found this blog extremely helpful!) Lastly when he was all dried off we applied coconut oil mixed with usnea tincture and tea tree essential oil topically to keep the itch at bay. As it turns out those little strep bacterias just sit in your body having a hay day. As if causing a super sore throat (which neither of my children experienced more that a regular cold type scratchy throat) and fever weren’t bad enough those little buggers just hang out pooping out poison into your body all day long which is what the rash is caused by. Geeze! Nasty little bugs! I was relieved to see how much by boy enjoyed marinating his bath full of soothing herbs. Hours later the itchiness still had not returned! WOW! I didn't expect that because I’ve dealt with plenty of rashes myself and nothing seems to sooth them. I was so happy for him.


The next day my oldest who had until this moment remained illness free came to me saying his stomach hurt. He and I had taken so many herbs over the days since discovering strep in our midst I wasn’t really surprised. I told him we’d take a break from the garlic and stronger herbs and just use the more soothing ones for a couple days. A couple hours later and he was complaining of being hot…. It’s been unusually warm this past week and he was wearing fleece pajamas. I told him to take them off, use less blankets and he would be fine. A little while later he was back in my room again saying he was still hot. I felt his forehead which felt sweaty… not a usual for this boy. I told him I was also feeling overly warm, we were okay and that we both needed our rest. Do you have one of those children who worry about ALL the things?? Well this one is my worrier. About 12:30am was his last visit to my room. I finally coaxed him to stay in bed. Sigh. I was one tired mama.

The next morning he woke up sweating up a storm, but this time accompanied by a fever. Boy did I feel like such a great mom. Whoops. I sent him back to bed. Got up out of mine and went to work. Since I knew what I was working this time and this boy was older. I decided to tackle this one a bit different that I had with the others. I worked with the fever using a modified version of Dr. Christopher’s Cold Sheet Treatment. Basically using a very warm bath and cup of elder flower, yarrow and peppermint tea. The purpose of the bath is to use moist heat to work with the fever. It worked very well. Before to long he was sweating up a storm. He stayed in as long as he could. I helped him out and into his bed where he then slept for many hours. When he woke up he was already feeling better. By the next morning he had only a slight sore throat and by day three he was back to his usual self! I attribute the success to all of the herbs we had used before he ever got sick.

Elder in bloom in the mountains of Idaho.

7 days. Two sicknesses. Countless herbs. 3 gallons of unfiltered raw apple juice, 6 gallons of raspberry leaf tea, 1 quart of four thieves vinegar, two bottles of elderberry syrup my kids are all better. If you’ve ever had a sick child then you know my feeling of relief. We will continue to stay quarantined until we are positive we are not going to spread the illness. Now for the real reason you are here.

Why did I tell you this whole story? Well first off I’m being a little selfish. I want to have notes of everything that has taken place in case I ever need it again. Secondly and more importantly I want to talk to you about something. We are living in unsettled times. We may not always have access to medical care. We may not always be able to run to the doc and get some antibiotics whenever we want them. I don’t know about you, but my train of thought is this: should I practice now while I still DO have access to medical care? When it’s a quick and easy change of gears if things don’t go as planned? OR do I wait until we are in a state of emergency and have books I am unfamiliar with and herbs that are old and powerless on my self that I’ve simply stockpiled for years? Is it easier to learn to garden when failure is only a grocery store fix away or when your family is desperate for that food and every crop counts? Is it easier to learn to sew when you can do fun projects or when your family is on their last set of clothing? Is it easier to learn the skills of old when there is access to the Internet and thousands of online resources and people or when you have to rely only on the books on your shelf and the neighbors within walking distance?

I believe every family and every person must answer these questions for themselves.

For my little family and I we are choosing the path that while may not be the easiest path or the one that makes us fit into this fast paced world is the one that we feel is right for us. We all get to choose the risks we are willing to take. We are choosing to learn these skills now before its to late or way harder than it is now. No one can know what tomorrow will bring. All we can do is our best today with what information we have in hand. We can set up our tomorrow selves up for success and hope for the best.

I hope that this story brings you encouragement - You can do hard things. Surround yourself with people who support you and can offer advice. Don’t wait to prepare yourself for hard times. They will come. In what form? No one can say for sure. The question is will you choose to learn now? Or wait until it may be too late.

What skills are you are going to learn now? I’d love for you to let me know in the comments below!!

Learn & Grow

Esther Munroe

Horsetail grass in early June in the mountains of Idaho - Teaching my kids to learn to forage.

Esther Munroe

I’m a North Idaho girl who loves to share her passion for plants, homesteading and homemaking with anyone who will listen. I let my faith in Jesus guide me through all the challenges and adventures that life brings my way.


Learning Traditional Skills


Raising Adults